Leaders and their abilities and skills are critical to achieving success.
How do you make sure, that your leaders are able to engage your employees in order to perform their best and execute the business strategy of the company?
We, at PrimeLine Consultants International believe, that the role of every leader is to engage their employees to achieve business results by creating added value to the organization.
Our approach to identification and development of leaders begins with revealing the essential, sustainable elements in the character of every employee, which are a must for the perceptions of the development and demonstration of a leadership role.
Character is key and the basis for the effective leadership. Nevertheless, the other essential of the efficient leader is how they perform in demonstrating the values and principles, in other words the leaders’ skills and knowledge to execute their role. Leaders need different set of skills and abilities in order to fit their role, and they depend on where a leader is situated in the organization. We have strategic leaders, leaders who perform with others to achieve tactical results, leaders who need strong business acumen abilities at senior level, who need to lead the organization forward possessing “big picture” view and thinking. Although the skills and competencies all of them need can sound sometimes the same, the difference is in the weigh and depth each of the level must demonstrate.
Development Solution for Leadership & Management Effectiveness
Assessment of Leadership Potential and current level of Leadership Skills
We apply a complete, profound approach and methodology towards the assessment of the leadership potential of an employee. Our approach includes a combination of leading personality profiling tools and business simulations worldwide. Thus we are capable to provide completely valid, reliable and correct data to our clients regarding the leadership level an employee possesses or must develop in order to be a successful leader and manager regardless of the hierarchical level they are at in the organization.
General Management
This program is aimed at newly appointed managers. The participants will acquire a complete understanding about the basic management principles, “must have” management skills and competencies, techniques for effective communication, feedback on their management style and effectiveness.
The program includes the following topics: How to be effective managers, Task management, Time management, Decision making process, Effective communication, Interviewing skills, Skill for motivating individuals and teams, Building and Managing Effective teams.
Key tools incorporated in the program are a personality profile, a communication profile for each participant as well as business simulations.
Business Acumen
Understanding the basics of a business is a modular program aimed at senior managers. The program engages the managers in a series of business simulations and leads them through the modules, each of which reflects the main fields of the business model of their company. Participants integrate valid working business models with a real-life data in order to build or improve their knowledge and skills on running the company and / or their division soundly.
The Symbiosis Manager & Leader
This leadership program provides the frame, knowledge and skills, necessary for every manager to integrate their management and leadership skills. Achieving this symbiosis is a must for every successful leader to assist their teams in achieving performance with fulfilment – the combination of high results and high satisfaction from meaningful and work well done.
Coaching skills
High performance coaching skills is a management program aimed at creating or enhancing manager’s abilities and skills towards developing their employees every day. Our certified coaches work with the participants in a group and individual level in order to show them how to achieve result on investment through coaching process. Participants work with business simulation s as well as real life scenarios from their daily practice.
Who am I as a Leader
This unique leadership program helps leaders increase their effectiveness through identifying the difference between what they believe they possess as leadership abilities and what they actually demonstrate. The program provides to each participant the opportunity to see themselves with the help of their personality profile. They identify their leadership style, abilities, aspirations, motivators, work preferences, and start building on their leadership potential.
Leadership & Motivation Suite
Leadership & Motivation is a modular program for development of leadership skills, aimed at supervisors and first to mid line managers. The aim is managers to develop essential management competencies and skills for effective leadership. The program includes a series of training modules: Motivation at individual and group levels, Delegating skills, Forming and Growing Teams, Risk management, Conflict management, Boosting Performance Management System, Providing Feedback, Adaptive communication, and others. The length of the program reflects the client situation and needs of participants. Time: Modular
Management and Leadership in Dynamics
Management and Leadership in dynamics helps leaders learn how to build and / or maintain the level of motivation and engagement of their teams during times of dynamic business changes. Managers learn how to support employees during change, identify the symptoms of demotivation in performance, and manage the effect of change over employees.
Boosting Performance Management System
This program develops a systematic approach to the efficient planning and execution of an employee performance development. Participants learn the skills of understanding the business environment and challenges of their employees, setting goals, following up on goals, observation of the execution process, coaching interventions to secure progress, reviewing performance and business matrix.